Showing posts with label pimples. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pimples. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 6, 2020


Acne is the last thing a person wants on face.  Eruption of even a single pimple is enough to make the days gloomy. They try everything to get rid of them, like grandma remedies, home remedies, friend remedies, social media remedies or other propaganda advertisement remedies. They stop eating many things and go on some strict diet to reduce them. So what is acne and is it so complicated.

Well No!! Acne is not a thing that should trouble you so much. 

Acne happen due to presence of sebaceous glands on our face which get blocked and accumulate sebum. The condition usually starts in adolescence(10-12 years) and frequently resolves by the mid-twenties (25-27 years). Few people get acne later in life, i.e., after 25 years age or in their thirties or forties.

Various causes found responsible for acne are genetic susceptibility (presence of acne in family), hormonal imbalance (androgen hormone mainly responsible), polycystic ovarian disease in females,  hot and humid climate or emotional stress. 

Food has been blamed a lot for acne, like, oily food, junk food and even mangoes or pickels. The list is endless. But do they really produce acne. If we go for scientific studies no role of diet has been established in acne. However, some studies have reported that excess consumption of dairy products and high-glycemic load carbohydrate diet can cause acne, but then the amount we eat in our regular daily diet is not so much to produce acne.  

What to do?

The most important thing is to not take stress. Consult a qualified dermatologist. An early and regular treatment would help keep your face free of acne and thus would prevent any chances of developing scars and pigmentation. The treatment might be long and you might get few acne while on treatment too but after some time they stop coming. However, they can recur eventually. Whenever they do take treatment, never think that there no use of treatment as pimples keep on recurring. It is the nature of acne. You have to fight it and take treatment to prevent scarring and pigmentation.

There are many treatment options available for acne and they are quite effective too. Nowadays we have chemical peels and lasers too to treat it. What treatment is required for you would be judged by your dermatologist.

NEVER do self treatment. There are many steroid creams available in market which are handed over to acne patients either over the counter by chemists or by unqualified self proclaimed skin specialists. They give you a false impression of relief initially but eventually cause formation of very bad acne outburst. Always consult a dermatologist for your skin problems. 

Management of Scars and pigmentation

Pigmentation due to acne can be managed very efficiently by topical medications. Now chemical peels and lasers are available too. 

Scars  are a difficult job to manage. They do not go away easily. However there are many treatment options available for it. They start from topical medication, dermarollers and lasers and if they do not work can even be surgically managed. It depends on type of scar and severity of scarring.

But do not let your acne go to the stage of pigmentation and scarring. Take regular treatment and keep control on it. Follow advice of your dermatologist.


1. Take a balanced diet.

2. Avoid foods with high glycemic index, like; sugar and sugary foods, sugary soft drinks, white bread, white rice etc.

3. Follow advice of your dermatologist.

4.  Wash your face two to three times a day.


1. Never do self treatment

2. Do not follow any remedy or treatment which is not backed by scientific evidence.

3. Dont scratch and press your pimples.