Showing posts with label A Healthy Skin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label A Healthy Skin. Show all posts

Sunday, October 4, 2020

A Healthy Skin

A healthy skin is a desire of everyone and a mystery for most. To have a healthy skin you do not have to climb a mountain. The things required can be easily set in your routine. 

So what is exactly a healthy skin?

From a dermatologist's point of view a healthy skin would be a good hydrated skin with no skin disease.

How to get it ?

Well its quite simple. Just follow the following steps and you would get it.

1. Moisturize your skin thoroughly. Appling a moisturizer liberally on whole skin, twice a day would be sufficient. In the morning do it just after you take a bath and at night before you are off to bed. The moisturizer does not have to be some specific one. You can use any good moisturizer which suites you. Apply it on your hands too after you wash your hands. In current COVID era moisturize your hands often.

2. Apply sunscreen whenever you are out in sun. Cover as much body as you can with some clothing and carry an umbrella or use a hat. Apply sunscreen on face and all remaining exposed parts. The effects of ageing are mostly due to sun exposure and by taking proper care you can reduce it.

3. Take a balanced diet. A balanced diet with all essential nutrients is very necessary for a healthy skin. 

4. Do not apply anything on your skin without consultation of your dermatologist. Many people unknowingly damage their skin by applying some medication they get either over the counter from the medical stores or on advice of someone. These creams which claim to provide so called glowing skin have steroids in them. When you apply them they tend to give you a fair skin but it also is damaging your skin very badly. When you apply it over time, your skin becomes dependent on it and when you try to stop applying it, the skin becomes red, itchy with some eruptions. The skin also becomes thin and it can lead to facial hairs too. NEVER APPLY THEM

 To conclude, I would say that you can have a healthy skin but you can not have a skin fairer then your natural skin color. Do not try to look fairer, try to look beautiful with a " Winsome Skin". Always consult a dermatologist for you skin problems and not with just anyone.